Meryl Taradash

Sculptures of Light and Wind

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Holding On/Letting Go Installation East Hampton
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Holding On/Letting Go Sunlight at Fordham
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Caged Bird Dances II with Holding On_Letting Go at Fordham
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Holding On/Letting Go Detail Aluminum Hemispheres


Rotating aluminum within stainless steel

11ft.6in. h x 5ft.3in. w x 3ft.6in. d 2016

In Holding On/Letting Go, two curves of stainless steel grow from their separate locations in the earth, both reaching towards the sky, intertwining, then veering off in different directions. A central pair of hemispheres rotates endlessly.

Exploring the movement of forms in relationship to each other, my abstract sweeps suggest the growth and renewal of old relationships - child to parent, lover to spouse, student to teacher relationships that are also part of contemporary life.

Holding On/Letting Go has been displayed at the Elaine Benson Gallery, Fordham University Lincoln Center, NYC and is permanently installed at a private collectors's home in East Hampton, NY since 2016.

(see Small Studies, Fordham University Backgrounder and Videotape)